Thursday, December 26, 2013

finding your true love

To find your true love, you have to look. Look closely. Look directly. Look without fear. Look.

To find your true love, listen, listen with an open heart.

To find your true love, bend with the wind.

To find your true love, find the point.

To find your true love, take its hand and walk.

To find your true love, play hide and seek.

To find your true love, use the stairs.

To find your true love, throw yourself off of a building.

To find your true love, walk on water.

To find your true love, pay a visit to your neighbor in the next galaxy.

To find your true love, sleep on a cloud.

To find your true love, lie.

To find your true love, catch the lie.

To find your true love, raise the white flag.

To find your true love, don't use a map.

To find your true love, knock on the door.

To find your true love, let it in.

To find your true love,  sing to it.

To find your true love, make love to it.

To find your true love, throw the ruler away.

To find your true love, throw the scale away.

To find your true love, don't try to catch it.

To find your true love, don't try to find it.

To find your true love, let it speak through your voice.

To find your true love, play the see saw.

To find your true love, be.

To find your true love, do not be.

To find your true love, you need to know that you might be the one to be found.

To find your true love, let it pass through you.

To find your true love, let it go.